Vaasthavam is an Indian Malayalam-language political thriller movie, release on 2006. The film was written by Babu Janardhanan and directed by M. Padmakumar, it revolves around a youth Balachandran Adiga (Prithviraj Sukumaran) and follows his rise and fall in politics.
Vaasthavam is an Indian Malayalam-language political thriller movie, release on 2006. The film was written by Babu Janardhanan and directed by M. Padmakumar.
Vaasthavam (2006) Malayalam Movie Poster
Vaasthavam (2006): Action/Crime Malayalam Movie
Vaasthavam (2006): Action/Crime Malayalam Movie, Prithviraj Sukumaran, Babu Janardhanan and M. Padmakumar
Vaasthavam is an Indian Malayalam-language political thriller movie, released in 2006. The film was written by Babu Janardhanan and directed by M. Padmakumar, it revolves around a youth Balachandran Adiga (Prithviraj Sukumaran) and follows his rise and fall in politics. Balachandran, who has four sisters, shoulders the responsibility of taking care of his poor family. Eventually, he marries a rich woman instead of Sumithra, his true love, and becomes a powerful man.
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