Fugitive liquor baron Vijay Mallya on Tuesday asking the government to help in sending all the employees of Kingfisher home as the company has stopped all operations.
Fugitive Vijay Mallya seeks govt help in sending Kingfisher staff home
Indian Government has done what was unthinkable in locking down the entire Country. We respect that. All my Companies have effectively ceased operations. All manufacturing is closed as well. Yet we are not sending employees home and paying the idle cost. Government has to help.
Indian Government has done what was unthinkable in locking down the entire Country. We respect that. All my Companies have effectively ceased operations. All manufacturing is closed as well. Yet we are not sending employees home and paying the idle cost. Government has to help.
— Vijay Mallya (@TheVijayMallya) March 31, 2020
I have made repeated offers to pay 100 % of the amount borrowed by KFA to the Banks. Neither are Banks willing to take money and neither is the ED willing to release their attachments which they did at the behest of the Banks. I wish the FM would listen in this time of crisis.
I have made repeated offers to pay 100 % of the amount borrowed by KFA to the Banks. Neither are Banks willing to take money and neither is the ED willing to release their attachments which they did at the behest of the Banks. I wish the FM would listen in this time of crisis.
— Vijay Mallya (@TheVijayMallya) March 31, 2020
In January 2020, Mallya, had become the first businessman to be declared an FEO under the provisions of the new Fugitive Economic Offenders Act which came into existence in August 2018.