ICAI CA May exam 2020: With the growing number of Coronavirus cases in the country, there is a growing panic too. The educational sector is in frenzy now, with boards postponing or canceling papers, entrance exams getting postponed, schools and colleges getting closed. Same was the case with candidates who are eager to give their CA May exam 2020. And, after a number of queries received about the dates been postponed for the CA May 2020 exam, the institute of Chattered Accountants of India (ICAI) asked the students to not be swayed away by misleading information spreading via Internet.
ICAI CA May exam 2020: ICAI announcement for students over Coronavirus Outbreak
The officials made an announcement this Saturday stating that the institute will analysis the situation in mid-April and will make an appropriate decision regarding the conducting of its May examinations.
ICAI CA May exam 2020: NoticeThe notice has been posted on the official website of ICAI. Students are requested to visit the official website i.e. icai.org so as to read the notice. The notice reads the following information:
We are currently witnessing the impact of COVID 19 Pandemic in India; the exact nature and outreach of which is yet un-folding and this has resulted in public distancing and situation of mass lockdown in some of the States. We at ICAI do understand that the overall environment with regard to safety and hygiene is of utmost importance and the Institute is keeping a close tab on the developments taking place arising out of the current COVID 19 influence on day-to-day basis. Meanwhile, for the benefit of the students many steps like e-learning, video lectures and certain relaxation in GMCS/ITT for those, whose May 2020 attempts were getting affected; have already been given the option to change the Centre of Examination which Window closes on March 23, 2020.
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ICAI | Chattered Accountants of India | Coronavirus