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We’re in this together, and together we are stronger; Anita Herbert

Unfortunately we CANNOT change what’s happening around us, but we CAN change how we react to things sticking to my everyday routine is what helps me

Unfortunately we CANNOT change what’s happening around us, but we CAN change how we react to things sticking to my everyday routine is what helps me the most right now.

Anita Herbert, fitness trainer, home workout

Me looking for an open gym #literally

I know everyone is trying to navigate through our current situation. Unfortunately we CANNOT change what’s happening around us, but we CAN change how we react to things. sticking to my everyday routine is what helps me the most right now. I start my day with my workout, the only difference is that I do it at in my living room/ or outside

Is it an ideal situation? Hell no!

Is it better than not doing anything ? ABSOLUTELY

Doing something is always better than doing nothing! A 15 minute walk is already better than sitting on the couch binge watching Netflix while stuffing your face with your quarantine snacks

Get up and MOVE.

There are so many FREE WORKOUTS online that can be done without equipments! PLUS now you got plenty of FREE TIME ..... so there is literally NO EXCUSE. If you are not in actual quarantine, go for a walk or run outside (while keeping your distance from others of course). No one knows whats going to happen or how long this current situation will last. Keeping up with my workouts & my daily routine is the only thing that keeps me SANE right now.

Stop trying to predict the future, do not make major changes according to what’s happening right now, just live your day one by one. It’s about taking baby steps and moving forward at this point. (Im adjusting my content to home based workouts & programs). Also remember, that social distancing doesn’t mean all human interactions needs to stop. I think this is the time to be even more connected & supportive to each other. We may not be able to physically spend time with our loved ones, we CAN call them, we can even see them via SKYPE or FACETIME thanks to our technology.

I call my sister, my parents, my grandma everyday to check on them. (They live in Hungary). Communication is essential for our mental health right now. we’re in this together, and together we are stronger. What type of posts would you like me to do ? (besides home workouts)

Source Anita Herbert

Anita Herbert | quarantine | home workouts

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