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Covid-19: Working Eighteen Hours a Day with Little Sleep but this has been Immensely Satisfying says Rana Ayyub

During Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic, Rana Ayyub and her team working hard to help the needy people as much as they can.

During Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic, Rana Ayyub and her team working hard to help the needy people as much as they can.

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Covid-19: Working Eighteen Hours a Day with Little Sleep but this has been Immensely Satisfying says Rana Ayyub

In an early tweet she said that she "was happy to announce that she taken care of 2500 families with relief materials and necessities until this evening. she has in between reportage and relief work, she tend to area unit operating nearly eighteen hours daily with very little sleep however this has been vastly satisfying".

Am pleased to announce that we have taken care of 2500 families with relief materials and essentials till this evening. Between reporting and relief work, we are working almost eighteen hours a day with little sleep but this has been immensely satisfying. This is the beginning

Rana Ayyub | Covid-19 | coronavirus

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