There are many campaigns around the world to avoid plastic. It is also true that alternatives to plastics can be a little difficult, but if we do not reduce the use of plastic, it will affect all living things on earth and earth itself. Banana leaves are a great natural alternative to plastic, and useful to pack and parcel food items instead of plastic bags
.Use Banana Leaves as Natural Packaging to Reduce Plastic
It is because a natural product, banana does not cause any environmental pollution or problems after use. The fire-withered banana leaves can be used to wrap in custom items without being torn down. As a fast-growing plant, banana planting will be the easiest option. These pictures will show how banana leaves can be used in hotels and food stores for serving and packing parcels.
Abel Abel a facebook user shared his porofile "Use Banana leaves as natural packaging to reduce plastic use." It is worth sharing and Global Trends love sharing it Abel says in his post.