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11 Primary Symptoms of Mental Health Problems or Psychological Disorders

Mental health problems may occur to someone who is close to you such as, your friends, relatives or perhaps yourself. But the problem is that they jus

Mental health problems may occur to someone who is close to you such as, your friends, relatives or perhaps yourself. But the problem is that they just don’t know how to tell you. Sometimes the symptoms of mental health problems can also be seen as physical problems. Hope that further reading will help you find it.

Mental health problemsImage Credit: pixabay

11 Primary Symptoms of Mental Health Problems / Mental Illness / Psychological Disorders

Knowing even a little about mental health disorders might help you to feel more confident in sharing or listing each other about your problems. There is no doubt that talking to someone who is knowledgeable is better than talking to the ignorant. You can find out more about symptoms of mental illness and treatments by clicking on the links. This is not a pre-eminent description, but we hope you might find it helpful to give you a little understanding of mental health issues.

Mental health disorders have been categorized into 11 main categories, to help mental health professionals, who care for and treat people with mental disorders in the right way.

Anxiety & panic attacks

Anxiety is a common emotion in humans which we all experience, but even the simplest of things, excessive anxiety, or excessive panicking about something becomes a mental health problem.

Bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder is a psychological disorder that, as the name suggests, is a state of mind that gradually shifts or persists for any number of episodes, from the lowest (depression) to very high (excessive pleasure).


Depression is a diagnosed mental state, experiencing a lower level mood, such people cannot be able to express or feel fun or enjoy their lives. Thus, a person who likes to keep distance himself from others and spends most of his time alone or in their world of thinking.

Eating disorders

It is a diagnosis given to those who carry unhealthy thoughts, feelings and behaviour about food and their body composition. Such people may always seem worried about these unwanted thoughts.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder - OCD

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is a mental health diagnosis given to those who experience obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviours. They have a tendency to worry about things they have done before and they tend to keep working on the same thing.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD

PTSD or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is the result of any trauma, from an accident to a terrorist attack. Although the physical injury caused by the accident may be cured, the injury to the mind may still remain.


Psychosis is a generalized mental disorder, a person who perceives the world in an unusual way to those around them. It is a psychotic disorder characterized by a derangement of the mind.

Schizoaffective disorder

Schizoaffective disorder is a mental disorder that affects a person's mood, thoughts and behaviour. Such a person may suffer from apathy, insomnia, depression and delusional thoughts at the same time.


Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that affects the way a person thinks, or changes in brain cells that affect thoughts, behaviour, emotions, and performance. and can only be diagnosed by a psychiatrist.


Some people are harming themselves when they are not able to control their thoughts, especially intense emotional distress. It is a very serious mental illness.

Suicidal feelings

Most suicides are caused by depression and emotional distress. Cracks in family-friendly relationships or may be connected to occupational, educational, social and economic factors, certain characteristics of personality and beliefs about the afterlife can cause people to commit suicide. Suicidal ideation is not trivial, mocking, pitying, or even trying to advise them can sometimes have the opposite effect.

With all this said, there is only a very small fraction of mental health disorders. Examining each of these symptoms individually can lead to more complex mental health areas.

This information is only for preliminary knowledge, so do not seek out self-medication after reading it, and consult with a psychiatrist for a proper diagnosis.

Mental Health Problems | Mental Illness | Psychological Disorders

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