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Where is your Mask..!!! Health workers took away Maveli for not wearing MASK; Kerala Onam 2020 Viral Photoshoot

Maveli, who came to visit Kerala for Onam, is being taken away by the health workers to the quarantine centre, while he sat down to wash his hands in the muddy water on the road. Health workers spotted Maveli sitting on the road without wearing a mask, and they took him to the quarantine Center.

Maveli, who came to visit Kerala for Onam, is being taken away by the health workers to the quarantine centre, while he sat down to wash his hands in the muddy water on the road. Health workers spotted Maveli sitting on the road without wearing a mask, and they took him to the quarantine Center.

Onam 2020 Maveli, Coronavirus Photoshoot

Where is your Mask..!!! Health workers took away Maveli for not wearing MASK; Kerala Onam 2020 Viral Photoshoot

Maveli, who came to visit Kerala for Onam, is being taken away by the health workers to the quarantine centre.

Maveli, the legendary king came to see his people in Kerala through the rain-damaged road. On the way, he had to go down the PWD dug pit for road work to get ahead of him. So Maveli, who had struggled to get down to the top of the pit, sat down to wash his hands in the muddy water on the road.

Where is your Mask..!!! Health workers take away Maveli who came to visit Kerala for Onam 2020

In a situation of a coronavirus outbreak, and the lockdown persists, the health workers spotted Maveli sitting on the road without wearing a mask, and they took him to the quarantine centre. This is what the activists behind this Onam photoshoot say with 7 funny and interesting pictures.

According to Hindu mythology, Maharaja Maveli comes to Kerala every year during Onam to see his people and seek their welfare.

Gokul Das Photography is the creators behind this fun photoshoot, it gives a message to the public that the mask must be worn when going out in public on Onam seasons.

Onam 2020 Maveli, Coronavirus Photoshoot Onam 2020 Maveli, Coronavirus Photoshoot Onam 2020 Maveli, Coronavirus Photoshoot Onam 2020 Maveli, Coronavirus Photoshoot Onam 2020 Maveli, Coronavirus Photoshoot Onam 2020 Maveli, Coronavirus Photoshoot Onam 2020 Maveli, Coronavirus Photoshoot

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