WhatsApp's new carts feature is introduced for its business users to keep tracking their orders, enquiries, manage customer requests and close sales.
WhatsApp introduced its 'Carts' feature to place orders
WhatsApp's new carts feature is introduced for its business users to keep tracking their orders, enquiries, manage customer requests and close sales.
How to place an order on whatsapp
According to the news reports, the new carts feature in WhatsApp business, which owned by social media giant Facebook, allows users to select multiple products and send it as one message.
WhatsApp's Carts feature can make business orders simpler. In the updated version of WhatsApp, users can click on the 'shopping button', and add products directly to the cart. The new feature also provides its users to edit the quantity for each product in the orders. The app also provides an option to interact with the seller through ‘Message Business’.
The app also introduced it's new feature ‘Catalogs’ in November last year, which showcase sellers products on the app.
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