It is very interesting to observe small insects, this habit is not only a passage of time but it also helps us to know more about them. Even if they are tiny, their contribution to the sustainability of the earth is enormous.
Small Carpenter Bee, Carpenter Bee
Little Buzzing Supporters of the Life on Earth; the "Buzz Life" by Shalini Binu
It is very interesting to observe small insects, this habit is not only a passage of time but it also helps us to know more about them. Even if they are tiny, including pollination, their contribution to the sustainability of the earth is enormous.
According to 'World Bee Day', The greatest contribution of bees and other pollinators is the pollination of nearly three-quarters of the plants that produce 90% of the world's food. A third of the world's food production depends on bees, i.e. every third spoonful of food depends on pollination.
Shalini Binu, a macro photographer from Thiruvananthapuram has a good talent in capturing these little supporters of the lives on earth into the camera. Unlike other photographers, she always chooses her own home environment for photography.
Here we can see beautiful "Bug's Life" pictures are taken by Shalini. Shalini has given them the name "Buzz life" because of the buzzing sound they produce.
Blue Banded Bee
Neon Cuckoo Bee
Smal Carpenter Bee / Mating
Stingless Bee
Asian Honey Bee with Pollen
Asian Honey Bee
Asian Honey Bee on Flight
Carpenter Bee
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