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The 'Museum of the Future' Dubai, UAE an Amazing Engineering

"The Museum of the Future" in the Financial District of Dubai, UAE, is an exhibition space for innovative and futuristic ideologies, services, and pro

"The Museum of the Future" in the Financial District of Dubai, UAE, is an exhibition space for innovative and futuristic ideologies, services, and products. The Museum of the Future has three main elements: green hill, building, and void.

Museum of the Future Dubai wikipedia

Museum of the Future Dubai

The Museum of the Future Dubai, UAE an Amazing Engineering

This unique "eye-shaped" building founded by the Dubai Future Foundation. The museum was officially opened on 22nd February of 2022, the reason why this date was officially accepted is that it is a Palindrome date (such dates are rare every millennium).

This is a unique building that looks like a human eye, the eye looking at the future. This is an example of amazing engineering, because of its unique round shape, this vast seven-storey structure has no pillars inside, zero corners, and zero columns. This building is covered with 1024 panels exactly that represent 1024 bytes (kilobyte) in computing and all the panels are covered with Arabic quotes. Another record for this beautiful building is, this is the only building in the world that is completely covered with a language.

Museum of the Future Dubai bam.com

Museum of the Future Dubai

What's inside this amazing future museum?

This amazing building holds a living museum with 2400 species, a NASA-approved design of the space station, Even the elevator to this level, which feels like a real space station, is built like a spaceship. An actual rainforest, according to Business Insider, "functions as a real ecosystem and boasts over 3,000 species of plants, insects, and animals, according to The National. Its centerpiece is an artificial tree - the largest of its kind in the world - that creates a living environment in which the animals and plants can thrive.", A place to showcase your innovative robotics and craziest ideas, and a full science park for future generations.

Believe it or not, this seven-floor building is a world of unbelievable things, this is a university and a lab at the same time, this is the place where you get funds for your craziest ideas in maths, science, physics, and tech.


Museum of the Future, Dubai

The museum of the future aims to bring back the glory of the past and make this is a center of that ideation to bring up new professors, new scholars, new ideas, a bright future, and is to promote technological development and innovation, especially in the fields of robotics and artificial intelligence (AI).

This building, which is designed by an algorithm is also known as one of the most challenging construction projects ever attempted. The BBC says, According to the architect of this engineering masterpiece, the solid part of the structure represents the knowledge that we have today. The void represents all that we do not yet know – in other words, the future.

Museum of the Future Dubai Dubai Future Foundation NASA Amazing Buildings Amazing Engineering

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