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National Grandparents Day is a secular holiday celebrated in various countries, with …
Marian McQuade (January 18, 1917 – September 26, 2008) was the founder of National Gr…
Complete list of National and International Important Days and Dates , There are sever…
Cynthia Bennett , the Co-founder of National Grandparents Day . Not much known about B…
Father's Day is a day of honoring fatherhood, paternal bonds, as well as the infl…
Grandmothers' Day and Grandfathers' Day are also known as Grandparents Day …
Grandfathers' Day and Grandmothers' Day (known as Grandparents Day ) is cele…
The English New Year is a national holiday celebrated on the night of 31st December …
Christmas Greetings : Christmas brings every soul together , this is the time to gre…
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