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Honoring Workers Worldwide: The Significance and History of International Worker'…
Complete list of National and International Important Days and Dates , There are sever…
Valentine’s Day is a day to express love to your lover, sending a valentines day gif…
International Masturbation Day or National Masturbation Day is an annual event held …
Mother's Day is a commemoration honoring the mother of all families, as well as m…
National Doctors' Day , is a day celebrated to recognize the contributions and ded…
International Nurses Day (IND) is an international day observed around the world on 1…
Pongal is one of the most auspicious festivals of India , it is celebrated across the…
Eid al-Fitr is one of the most important Muslim festivals celebrated around the worl…
World No Tobacco Day (WNTD) is celebrated all over the world every year 31 May. This …
World Hypertension Day is a great occasion (celebrated 17 May of every year) to stan…
The Independence Day of USA , 4 July 2020, is a commemoration of the Declaration of In…
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