We always love to have a different dish on our table, Today Gautam is here with all "Malayalees well known, but an unusual food variety". Let's try this variety of tastes.
Food: Changalamparanda (Veld grape) Idichammanthi: Cooking with Gautham Krishnan
In the past, there was a plant called Paranda / Peranda at my house. A medicinal herb is known as Nilamparanda / Changalamparanda in Malayalam official name (Veld grape). In my memory, this plant is used to make Idi Chammanthi (A kind of Kerala food serving used with rice, like curry) for the posthumous rituals (never seen this plant used for any other purposes). Grandma once said this herb is a good remedy for some stomach disorders. Making the Changalamparanda Idichammanthi is a little difficult. Because it is itchy if the juice is in contact with hand but it tastes really good.
This morning, My grandmother made it real. The recipe given by her is as follows:
Changalamparanda (piranda): 4-5 vines (one span in length)
Mustard: 1 tbsp
black gram: 1 tbsp
Sesame: 1 tbsp
Rice: 1 tbsp
Jaggery: A piece
Salt: As needed
Curry leaves: 6 stalks
Ginger: A big piece
Sesame oil: 1 tablespoon
Tamarind: Gooseberry size
Rubbed some Sesame oil in hand and take away the fiber of piranda. Pour a little bit of coconut oil into a pan and garnish the ginger and piranda. In the same pan, fry the mustard, sesame seeds, rice, black gram, and 3 stalks of curry leaves. Now combine all the ingredients into thick paste ball form without adding water. It is a very delicious dish to eat with Curd rice.