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Prithviraj Sukumaran arrives in Kochi from Jordan, the crew of Aadujeevitham returns to India

Malayalam film actor Prithviraj Sukumaran , who has just come back from a two-month stay in Jordan, starts his vehicle from Cochin International Airpo

Malayalam film actor Prithviraj Sukumaran , who has just come back from a two-month stay in Jordan, starts his vehicle from Cochin International Airport to Covid Quarantine Center.

Prithviraj Sukumaran Malayalam film actor

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The report states that Prithviraj was in shooting location at Wadi Rum desert in Jordan for the upcoming movie Aadujeevitham when most parts of the world went into lockdown to contain the spread of novel coronavirus.

Prithviraj's wife Supriya Menon posted on her Instagram where she said, "Personally we would like to thank all the fans and well-wishers who prayed for us and gave us strength during our time of separation."

After almost 3 months Prithviraj and the crew of Aadujeevitham have reached Kerala. They will be going to quarantine as per regulation. It's been a long and arduous wait but we are really thankful to everyone including the authorities who helped facilitate this return. Personally we would like to thank all the fans and well-wishers who prayed for us and gave us strength during our time of separation. Ally is thrilled her daada is back and hopes to see him after 2 weeks.

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He's back! 😊

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Vande Bharat Mission: Malayalam actor Prithviraj arrives in Kochi from Jordan

Prithviraj | lockdown | Supriya Menon

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